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The Best Way to Stay Calm and Collected this Holiday Season

WELLNESS | Published on 31/12/2019
Optimizada wellness during holidays

While the holidays are filled with messages of goodwill and peace, most people know that the reality is much more stressful. Between shopping, cooking, cleaning, and catching up with family members, figuring out how to stay happy during the holidays is essential to celebrating what the season is all about. As you plan out menus and fun holiday activities for kids, keep these holiday tips for staying calm in mind. Practicing wellness during the holidays won’t make everything perfect, but it will help you know how to stay calm during the holidays no matter what life throws your way.

Set Realistic Expectations

One reason fun holiday activities end up feeling chaotic or disappointing is unrealistic expectations. Kids will bicker, something will burn in the oven, or you won’t get exactly what you want this holiday season. No matter how well you plan out things to do on Christmas day, not everything will be picture perfect like the movies. Taking the pressure off the holiday season by recognizing ahead of time that it won’t be perfect can return joy to the season. 

Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is the key to stay happy during the holidays and all year long. As the year closes, take time each day to think of at least three things that brought you joy that day. One of the best ideas for how to stay calm during the holidays is to take some quiet time to write thank-you notes. Recognizing all that you’ve been given and the meaningful relationships you have fills you with gratitude. This is also one of the best holiday activities for kids to start practicing early. With all the things to do on Christmas day, don’t forget to make a list of the presents kids received so that you can write your letters later. 

Eat and Drink Wisely

Most of the fun holiday activities involve big meals, sugary treats, and drinks to toast with. Giving yourself permission to indulge a little without worrying about calories or feeling guilty is one of the best ways to stay happy during the holidays, but it’s also important to listen to your body’s limits. Giving yourself a head or stomach ache can steal your joy, and if being with family members is stressful, adding more alcohol to the celebration may not be the best idea. Practicing wellness during the holidays means eating a balance of treats and healthy options, and taking a family walk after a big meal will help your stomach settle.

Practice Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness is one of the best solutions for how to stay calm during the holidays, and establishing routines for wellness during the holidays can carry over into the new year. In between all the things to do on Christmas day, find quiet moments between holiday activities for kids and meal preparations, and take deep calming breaths while identifying the little things that have brought you joy. Practicing simple mindfulness techniques like these are some of the best holiday tips for staying calm and cool.

The holiday season is all about family, generosity, and peace. Don’t let the hustle and bustle of checking off to-do lists steal your joy this year. With these holiday tips, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy the beauty of being together with family--even when everything isn’t as perfect as a holiday movie. 

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