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Why is Breast Cancer Awareness Important?

NEWS | Published on 21/10/2020
Optimizada breast cancer awareness

Every fall, you probably hear about Breast Cancer Awareness Month on the news or get invited to a fundraising event, and while you can probably recognize the pink ribbons associated with the disease, you may not be able to spot signs of breast cancer. Of all the important things about breast cancer you should know, learning how to do a self-exam could save your life or the life of someone you love. By paying attention during October Breast Cancer Awareness Month, you’ll know what you can do to fight this disease.

Why is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Important?

If you don’t know much about breast cancer or know anyone who’s been affected by the disease, you’ve probably thought “Why is Breast Cancer Awareness Month important?” Because breast cancer can occur in any body, even a man’s, it’s important to know different Breast Cancer Awareness Month facts and pay attention every October. A key part of the October Breast Cancer Awareness Month is helping women and men learn how to detect signs of breast cancer because early detection can help prevent death.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Facts

As you learn to understand why is Breast Cancer Awareness Month important, you’ll learn some important things about breast cancer, including why it’s such a serious issue.

  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month is celebrated all over the world.

  • It was founded in 1985.

  • There are over one million new cases of breast cancer detected every year.

  • Other than skin cancer, it’s the most common cancer in women.

  • Both men and women can develop breast cancer.

  • Hundreds of thousands of people die from breast cancer each year.

  • Men and women without adequate health care and education are at a higher risk for dying from breast cancer.

  • Breast cancer can often be hereditary, affecting multiple women in a single family.

Important Things About Breast Cancer You Should Know

Of all the different Breast Cancer Awareness Month facts, the most important thing to know is how to detect signs of breast cancer. By performing a monthly self-exam at home, you’ll become familiar with what your breast tissue feels like, which makes it easier to detect changes and notify your doctor.

  1. Begin by looking at your breasts in the mirror, noting the color and texture of the skin. Changes in color or dimpling in the skin can be signs of breast cancer.

  2. Raise one arm above your head at a time, and with the opposite hand, use firm pressure to feel around your armpit and breast, checking for any lumps, knots, or changes in firmness. 

  3. While lying on your back, press against your breast with your finger pads, making swiping motions from the nipple outwards all around your breast.

It’s important to know that there may be differences in size and firmness between each breast, which is common in most women. It’s just important to note changes from one month to the next. Women over the age of 40 should also begin getting a yearly mammogram.

October Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an important time of year, not just for those who are battling cancer, who are survivors, or who have lost a loved one to the disease. It’s an important time for people to learn life-saving techniques for detecting breast cancer. Knowing what to look for and how could save your life or the life of someone you love.

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